Justin Perkins
Justin Perkins is Barn Raiser Deputy Editor & Publisher and Board Clerk of Barn Raising Media Inc. He is currently finishing his Master of Divinity at the University of Chicago Divinity School. The son of a hog farmer, he grew up in Papillion, Neb., and got his start as a writer with his hometown newspaper the Papillion Times, The Daily Nebraskan, Rural America In These Times and In These Times. He has previous editorial experience at Prairie Schooner and Image.
Latest articles
page 3 of 4Organizing Rural and Small Town America for Affordable Housing and Racial Justice
Affordable housing is among the top issues for rural Americans. For this organizer, it’s also the starting point for building strong communities.

Electrifying Democracy in Rural America
For this energy policy expert, rural electric co-ops empower communities and strengthen democracy.

This Teachers Union Leader Wants to Turn Rural Schools Into Community Hubs
The American Federation of Teachers’ Rural Caucus advocates turning public schools into social service centers

This Montana Rancher Has a Beef with Corporate Meat Monopolies
For Gilles Stockton, antitrust enforcement is the key to revitalizing our food system and fractured politics

Igniting Democracy in Georgia, One Rural County at a Time
Eradicating civic deserts ‘step by step’

Organizing State Legislators to Think Rural
‘Rural people need policymakers working at all levels on their behalf’