Native Life

Montana Tribal Citizens File Lawsuit Over Alleged Voter Suppression

Does GOP control of the U.S. Senate hinge on stopping Natives from voting in November?

Water Protectors Use Novel Legal Tactic to Challenge the Dakota Access Pipeline

Novel anti-SLAPP laws could help uncover Dakota Access Pipeline secrets

Project 2025 and Its Plans for the Nation’s Public Lands

Native leader says massive deregulation would lead to “total desecration”

On the Chopping Block

BLM plans to raze 380,000 acres of pinyon-juniper forests vital to Nevada tribes

Federal Courts Sentence Native Americans to Longer Prison Terms

How federal authority over tribes fails to provide equal justice under the law

The Indigenous Growers Reviving Hemp’s Deep Roots

“Cannabis and hemp offer solutions to many challenges in an industrial society”
A man stands on reservation land in Battle Mountain, Nevada.

Looting Tribal Land

Individuals and corporations trespass on Native property and plunder resources, with little accountability

The Bad River Chippewa Take on an Oil Giant: Review of ‘Bad River: A Story of Defiance’

A new film chronicles how the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa are united in their opposition to Enbridge pipelines

Tribes Call on NASA to Halt Desecration of the Moon

Indigenous leaders accuse NASA of using a loophole to bypass promises made to Native nations
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Native Life
January 17, 2024

Wiping Away the Tears

Carrying repatriated artifacts, a new generation of Lakota ride to honor those who died in the Wounded Knee Massacre

Native Life
October 11, 2023

When It Comes to Mining on Sacred Lands, Some Tribal Members Say Their Voices Have Been Overlooked

The planned Thacker Pass lithium mining project in northern Nevada is hoping to provide the lithium needed to fuel the green energy transition. While the company has done its own outreach, regional tribes say they weren’t properly consulted by the government.

Noah Glick & Alejandra Rubio, Sierra Nevada Ally