Politics & Policy

February 5, 2024

New York AG Letitia James v. the Green Amendment

The constitutional amendment passed by New York voters guarantees the right to a clean environment—but Attorney General Letitia James says she won’t enforce it

Midwest Connections
January 29, 2024

On Caucus Day in Iowa, a Different Kind of Spin Cycle

Ordinary acts of care teach us to look beyond false claims to glory

January 25, 2024

In This Oklahoma Town, Having Medical Debt Can Mean Getting Sued by the Hospital

With some 100 million people in the United States burdened by healthcare debt, medical debt lawsuits clog courtrooms across the country. Most cases go uncontested.

Mitchell Black & Noam N. Levey, KFF Health News
January 22, 2024

How “Right-to-Farm” Laws Betray Farmers, Disenfranchise Voters and Empower Corporations

Proponents say right-to-farm laws protect family farmers. In reality, right-to-farm laws fuel rural poverty by empowering industrial ag and dispossessing local governance

Inside the Farm Bill
January 10, 2024

Will Congress Do Its Job and Pass a Farm Bill This Year?

More than a trillion dollars are at stake for vital food, farm, conservation and rural development spending programs in 2024

December 21, 2023

New York State Legislators Take Historic Stand Against Privatization of Home Health Care

A proposed law from a coalition of activists and legislators would raise wages and make home care more affordable for seniors and the disabled

December 14, 2023

Will Biden’s Historic Proposal Address the Crisis in Rural Nursing Homes?

The nursing home industry opposes the first-ever staffing minimums but advocates say the proposed rules do not go far enough

December 4, 2023

Wisconsin Locals Rally Around Small Town Library

Bayfield County residents stand up to a shadow book banning group in support of the Iron River public library

November 16, 2023

How Abortion Bans in Rural States Undercut Domestic Violence Prevention

As OB-GYNs leave states with abortion bans, with them goes the first line of defense for women facing domestic violence

November 9, 2023

Key Takeaways from the 2023 Election

Highly engaged electorates make their voices heard

November 9, 2023

Why America Needs a Rural New Deal

Two political strategists make the case for a political revival

November 6, 2023

Bike Path Networks to Connect Rural Wisconsin Communities

An ‘explosion’ of rural communities apply to fund infrastructure projects under a new Wisconsin program

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