Politics & Policy

September 27, 2023

End of Emergency Food Aid Strains Rural Minnesota Food Shelves

With end of pandemic-era SNAP benefits, food-insecure rural Minnesotans are turning to community nonprofits to feed their families

September 25, 2023

To Reach Rural Voters, Democrats Need a Place-Driven Strategy

One rural political strategist details a plan

September 25, 2023

Jim Hightower Confronts the 1980s Farm Crisis

"It's the same old story—Reagan helps the rich, and Lord help the rest of us."

September 20, 2023

Election Deniers Focus Recruitment in ‘Out of the Way Places’

Election officials fear conspiracy theories are undermining civic infrastructure in rural America

Claire Carlson, The Daily Yonder
September 7, 2023

Why the Health of Rural Communities Depends on Universal Broadband

Telehealth could save lives and reduce costs for underserved rural households.

September 6, 2023

Rural Tennessee County Uses Opioid Settlement Funds to Collect Highway Litter

None of the $2.7 million Greene County has received has been used to address its epidemic of drug overdose deaths

Aneri Pattani, KFF Health News
August 24, 2023

As Moms for Liberty Expands in Wisconsin, School Board Elections Become Proxies for a National Culture War

Opposition to the "extremist" group grows ahead of the 2024 election

Rachel Hale, Wisconsin Watch
August 16, 2023

Hans Breitenmoser: Dairy Farmer for Fair Maps

“Wisconsin is so severely gerrymandered that you can't even hardly think straight.”

July 25, 2023

A New Ford Plant in Rural Tennessee Inspires Anti-Union Backlash

The American Legislative Exchange Council has plans to penalize companies that voluntarily recognize unions

July 19, 2023

Jim Crow in the Driver’s Seat

Rural Mississippians without cars face voting hurdles

Way Outside the Beltway
June 14, 2023

Why Rural America Should Bet on a Green Energy Future

House Republicans see oil, gas and coal fueling our energy future; the facts prove them wrong.

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