Politics & Policy
Wisconsin’s Supreme Court Election Through the Lens of the Super Bowl
The spring election has a chance to restore a level playing field to Wisconsin's elections

The Battle Over Religion in Public Schools
How school prayer, intelligent design, and Bible classes faded from the conservative agenda.

Critical Race Theory has Town on Edge
Bomb threats, bullying, Christian nationalists and critical race theory divide Kiel, Wisconsin

Meatpacking, Migration and the American Dream
An interview with the author of Meatpacking America: How Migration, Work and Faith Unite and Divide the Heartland

The Lesson from the Wisconsin Midterm Elections: Face to Face Makes a Difference
Deep canvassing works well in rural areas where rootedness in local communities is essential

A Retired Dairy Farmer Reflects on the Wisconsin Midterms
Until we fix gerrymandering, family farmers will make little progress

The Election was a Relief, but We’re Not Out of the Woods Yet
The election that matters the most in Wisconsin is coming up on April 4