Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

Driftless Water Defenders Go on the Offensive in Iowa

New group mobilizes citizens to protect Iowa’s “last island of ecological integrity”

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June 17, 2024

Canceled Documentary Screening Raises Questions about Farm Bureau Ties to North Carolina’s Largest Health Insurer

Blue Cross of North Carolina counts the Farm Bureau, a champion of industrial hog farms, as a major customer

June 6, 2024

The Book That Made the ‘Hog Barons’ Squeal

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January 22, 2024

How “Right-to-Farm” Laws Betray Farmers, Disenfranchise Voters and Empower Corporations

Proponents say right-to-farm laws protect family farmers. In reality, right-to-farm laws fuel rural poverty by empowering industrial ag and dispossessing local governance

December 21, 2023

Biogas Boondoggle: Wisconsin’s Clean Energy Dollars Are Spent to Transform Livestock Waste Into “Renewable Natural Gas”

Federal funding for solar panels and wind turbines is being used to greenwash CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations)

November 29, 2023

‘What We’re Up Against’: North Dakota Towns Stand Up to Farm Bureau for Clean Water

Pelican Township gets dragged into a national campaign to upend local zoning rules.

Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue
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