Detectorists Find More Than What’s Underground

Relic hunters build comradery by uncovering history in rural Pennsylvania

On the Chopping Block

BLM plans to raze 380,000 acres of pinyon-juniper forests vital to Nevada tribes

This Rural Organizer Shapes Progressive Activism into Policy

How Annie Contractor helps create systemic change from the ground up
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J.D. Vance’s Populist Charade

Thoughts on a dangerous vice presidential candidate as President Biden steps aside

‘Making Our Communities What They Need to Be’ 

A small town union leader on building Vermont’s labor movement for a new generation

Food & Agriculture

Harvesting Destruction

Reflections of a lifelong Montana rancher on the corporate takeover of our food system and what it means for the future of our nation and planet

What a Leading Epidemiologist Says You Should Know About the Bird Flu

Michael Osterholm breaks down what the bird flu is, why it’s spreading to dairy cows and the pandemic lessons we failed to learn

The Book That Made the ‘Hog Barons’ Squeal

A Q&A with author Austin Frerick on how the “barons” responded to his book and what consolidation in the food industry means for Main Street
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Politics & Policy

Driftless Water Defenders Go on the Offensive in Iowa

New group mobilizes citizens to protect Iowa’s “last island of ecological integrity”

This Organizer Has a Proven Strategy to Win Affordable Healthcare for All

With Health Care for America Now!, Margarida Jorge is building a coalition with a winning record of reform

Organizing Rural and Small Town America for Affordable Housing and Racial Justice

Affordable housing is among the top issues for rural Americans. For this organizer, it’s also the starting point for building strong communities.
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Native Life

The Indigenous Growers Reviving Hemp’s Deep Roots

“Cannabis and hemp offer solutions to many challenges in an industrial society”

Federal Courts Sentence Native Americans to Longer Prison Terms

How federal authority over tribes fails to provide equal justice under the law

The Bad River Chippewa Take on an Oil Giant: Review of ‘Bad River: A Story of Defiance’

A new film chronicles how the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa are united in their opposition to Enbridge pipelines
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Science & Environment

Finger Lakes Residents Fight to Enforce Constitutional Right to a Clean Environment

In recent court filings, New York Attorney General Letitia James argues that citizens cannot use the Green Amendment to block the state’s largest landfill from expanding

Mangroves in Georgia? What a Tropical Plant Reveals About a Warming World

The jury’s out on the overall benefits of, or drawbacks to, mangrove migration

Will the EPA’s New PFAS Rules Protect Our Water, Farms and Health?

Polluters should be held responsible for the billions per year in estimated cleanup costs.
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Land of Liberty

Myth-making in the early American republic

The 19th Century Haunting that Made This Small Tennessee Town Famous

Historian sheds new light on the dark tale of the Bell Witch

Jim Hightower Confronts the 1980s Farm Crisis

"It's the same old story—Reagan helps the rich, and Lord help the rest of us."
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In Short Measures Life May Perfect Be

In an age overrun by our relentless desire for more—whether more wealth or more productivity from limited soil—Wendell Berry’s writings offer a way to find wholeness in life’s finitude
David Barr, Sightings
Pigs on a truck on their way to a slaughterhouse

God and Hogs

The vertical integration of faith and death at Tyson Foods
a red rural church in the background with fields of crops in the foreground

The Politics of Loving Your Neighbor in Rural America

Reflections of a Lutheran pastor in Dunn County, Wisconsin
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