Science & Environment
The Black Snake Threatens Turtle Island
When I moved to the Great Lakes, I did not know a pipeline threatened my ancestral homeland

Native Communities Fight Oil Pipeline in Wisconsin and Michigan
The 70-year-old Line 5 pipeline threatens lives, livelihoods and Great Lakes ecosystems

To Serve and Protect?
Enbridge pays Minnesota law enforcement agencies to arrest pipeline protesters

Not Your Enemy: Reimagining the Human-Wildlife Divide
The new book Tenacious Beasts explores how we can work in partnership with our fellow animals

Don’t Let Your Food Waste Become Sewage Sludge
The solid waste industry is greenwashing food waste-to-sewer programs

Adrift in the Heart of Wisconsin’s Driftless
A 359-mile canoe trip through the upper Midwest.

How Farms and Small Businesses Can Get Federal Money for Solar
The Renewable Energy for America Program also provides grants for energy efficiency improvements.

Wisconsin’s Forests: Destroyed, Now Reborn
The past, present and future of Wisconsin's public lands

“Baptism in Nature’s Warm Heart”: John Muir’s Arrival in Wisconsin
Muir's awe-stricken account of Wisconsin's natural life

Will the Cougar Return to Wisconsin?
The big cat once roamed the Midwest, and may yet do so again

95% of Wildland Firefighters Are Men. This Program Aims To Change That.
A new National Park Service program teaches young women to fight fires