Stephanie Woodard
Stephanie Woodard is an award-winning journalist who writes on human rights and culture with a focus on Native American issues. She is the author of American Apartheid: The Native American Struggle for Self-Determination and Inclusion.
Latest articles
page 1 of 2Hope in Turbulent Times: Native Leaders Take the Long View
Representatives from three tribes discuss how their communities have learned to endure by celebrating connections
Young Voters Are Getting Tribal Citizens to the Polls
Native Americans in swing states could help decide the 2024 election. Can they overcome barriers to vote?
Montana Tribal Citizens File Lawsuit Over Alleged Voter Suppression
Does GOP control of the U.S. Senate hinge on stopping Natives from voting in November?
Project 2025 and Its Plans for the Nation’s Public Lands
Native leader says massive deregulation would lead to “total desecration”
On the Chopping Block
BLM plans to raze 380,000 acres of pinyon-juniper forests vital to Nevada tribes
Federal Courts Sentence Native Americans to Longer Prison Terms
How federal authority over tribes fails to provide equal justice under the law