Joel Bleifuss

Editor & Publisher

Latest articles

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November 27, 2023

Building Movements for Food and Racial Justice Through Organic Farming

For Iriel Edwards, a decision to take up farming in Louisiana was fueled by a desire to connect to the deep ecological knowledge of her ancestors

Barn Raisers
October 1, 2023

Jon Council: An Appalachian Carpenter Organizing Across Political Divides

“Everyone needs to be able to turn on the tap and have clean water in their home”

August 16, 2023

Hans Breitenmoser: Dairy Farmer for Fair Maps

“Wisconsin is so severely gerrymandered that you can't even hardly think straight.”

June 2, 2023

How Two Iowa Librarians Are Standing Up for Readers

Rural libraries build community and push back against censorship

May 26, 2023

When Moms for Liberty Cancelled a School Librarian’s Mother’s Day Lesson, Concerned Parents Fought Back

Here is what they said at the Hamilton County, Tennessee, school board meeting