Will the EPA’s New PFAS Rules Protect Our Water, Farms and Health?

Polluters should be held responsible for the billions per year in estimated cleanup costs.

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What Overturning Chevron Means for Rural America

With its Loper Bright decision, the Supreme Court has crowned itself the final arbiter of the world’s largest economy.

January 2, 2024

Nine Times More ‘Forever Chemicals’ Found in Water Near Sludge-Spread Fields

New York State and waste management entities promote the use of sewage sludge as fertilizer, but recent tests show high levels of PFAS pollution in water near sludge-spread fields

December 7, 2023

Following PFAS Up the Food Chain

‘Forever chemicals’ are commonly found in freshwater fish, but most states don't warn residents

Hannah Norman, KFF Health News
October 19, 2023

Alabama County Tells Wisconsin, “We Don’t Want Your Toxic PFAS”

“A state that is predominantly white is sending its waste that’s toxic to the Black Belt,” says sociologist Robert Bullard.

Bennet Goldstein, Wisconsin Watch; Sarah Whites-Koditschek, AL.com & Dennis Pillion, AL.com
March 14, 2023

Don’t Let Your Food Waste Become Sewage Sludge

The solid waste industry is greenwashing food waste-to-sewer programs

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