Scott King
Scott King is a science and energy reporter for the Sierra Nevada Ally. Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, Scott King earned a Master’s degree in Media Innovation at the University of Nevada, Reno. Scott previously received a Bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing with a minor in Marketing from Capital University in Columbus, Ohio. Before enrolling at UNR, Scott served for two years as a literacy instructor with the Peace Corps in the community of Gouyave, Grenada. He has contributed to other local publications in the Northern Nevada region, such as Our Town Reno and The Hitchcock Project for Visualizing Science. Scott has additional experience as a writer and videographer for the Air & Space Forces Magazine.
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page 1 of 1Will a Century-Old Doctrine Help Preserve Tribal Water Rights in the West?
“While Indian tribes have to determine their water rights for the rest of their future, our cities, towns and counties don’t.”