Dayton Martindale
Dayton Martindale is a contributing editor at Barn Raiser, host of Storytelling Animals podcast, and an experienced writer and editor on climate, environmental, and animal issues. His work has appeared in Rural America In These Times, In These Times, Sierra, The Ecologist, Earth Island Journal, Boston Review, The Next System Project and numerous other publications. Dayton's father was born in Beloit, Wisconsin, and grew up on a Washington farm; his mother is descended from a former Navajo slave as well as colonizing Spanish landowners in what is now New Mexico. Dayton grew up in a California suburb, just a few miles away from Los Angeles on one side and farmland on the other, and now lives in Detroit. He is passionate about building a kinder, more just world for ourselves and for the creatures wild and domestic with whom we share it.
Latest articles
page 1 of 1Not Your Enemy: Reimagining the Human-Wildlife Divide
The new book Tenacious Beasts explores how we can work in partnership with our fellow animals

Meatpacking, Migration and the American Dream
An interview with the author of Meatpacking America: How Migration, Work and Faith Unite and Divide the Heartland